Olive's thought...

'Everything is good, if it wasn't then it's better. God takes the good to give the best'

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

...GiVe AnD Be BleSSeD...

(eliz, jen, tan, yen, ta and me)
These are some of the story that was preached last sunday...

Quaker Oats

Henry P. Crowell, affectionately called. The autocrat of the Breakfast Table, contracted tuberculosis when a boy and couldn't go to school. After hearing a sermon by Dwight L. Moody, young Crowell prayed, I can't be a preacher, but I can be a good businessman. God, if You will let me make money, I will use it in Your service.

Under the doctor's advice Crowell worked outdoors for seven years and regained his health. He then bought the little run-down Quaker Mill at Ravanna, Ohio. Within ten years Quaker Oats was a household word to millions. Crowell also operated the huge Perfection Stove Company.

For over forty years Henry P. Crowell faithfully gave 60 to 70 percent of his income to God's causes, having advanced from an initial 10%.

Senior Partner At Kraft

Years ago a young man began a small cheese business in Chicago. He failed. He was deeply in debt. You didn't take God into your business. You have not worked with Him, said a Christian friend to him. Then the young man thought, If God wants to run the cheese business, He can do it, and I'll work for Him and with Him! From that moment, God became the senior partner in his business. The business grew and prospered and became the largest cheese concern in the world! You ask the name of that young man? J. L. Kraft who became president of the Kraft Cheese Company!


William Colgate ran away from home at age 17. He tithed the first dollar he made as an employee, soon was made partner of the company, and ultimately owned Colgate Palmolive Company His giving grew from 20% to 30% to 40% and finally he was giving all of his income.

Everyone wants to be successful...in our life...for our future...for our career...It really speaks to me that to be successful is not only based on our ability, skills and how smart we are...these 3 company are giants company worldwide...they can be successful because the owner's FoCuS is and always right...
 Posted by Hello