...AnoTheR DaY...
Today, I went to carousel with my mum...I end up bought lots of nice stuff hehe...3 pairs of pants, 2 jackets, a pink glasses, a shoes and lots of other nice stuff...
In the afternoon, we got deacons meeting at the bridge...uncle shared and challenged us to a line our life on God's calling (1Cor1:24-31)...even to be ready to die for the land that He called us to...A big challenge!!...The verse that spoke to me before and still speak to me is 'Obedience is better than sacrifice'....hmm...lots of people are ministry minded...but at the end it will end up with the question 'Is it His will?'...If it wasn't whatever it is wil be nothing in God's eyes...
We end up stayed there for dinner...the dinner was yummy, muscles with tom yum sauce,noodles, curry chicken, some veges, with 5 layers of mocca drink...Thanx, uncle...During dinner we were having fun try to give kezia's baby a name...Tiffany Tan?? Katura Tan?? something with bella as Eugene requested?? ...haha...
Towards the end of the dinner time...I was wondered how come ko cing was freezed looking out side of the glass window...He seems like saw a ghost or something...Suddenly...dreng...hehe...SHIENNY...She came back from Milan...she really surprise everyone...She didn't even tell her sister that she's coming back today...Welcome back to Perth, Shien..We all miss you...especially Ko cing hehe...
In the afternoon, we got deacons meeting at the bridge...uncle shared and challenged us to a line our life on God's calling (1Cor1:24-31)...even to be ready to die for the land that He called us to...A big challenge!!...The verse that spoke to me before and still speak to me is 'Obedience is better than sacrifice'....hmm...lots of people are ministry minded...but at the end it will end up with the question 'Is it His will?'...If it wasn't whatever it is wil be nothing in God's eyes...
We end up stayed there for dinner...the dinner was yummy, muscles with tom yum sauce,noodles, curry chicken, some veges, with 5 layers of mocca drink...Thanx, uncle...During dinner we were having fun try to give kezia's baby a name...Tiffany Tan?? Katura Tan?? something with bella as Eugene requested?? ...haha...
Towards the end of the dinner time...I was wondered how come ko cing was freezed looking out side of the glass window...He seems like saw a ghost or something...Suddenly...dreng...hehe...SHIENNY...She came back from Milan...she really surprise everyone...She didn't even tell her sister that she's coming back today...Welcome back to Perth, Shien..We all miss you...especially Ko cing hehe...
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