Olive's thought...

'Everything is good, if it wasn't then it's better. God takes the good to give the best'

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Last week...I was led to write a poem...I haven't write any poem since very long ago.....Don't know what kind of wind that make me write =p hehe.....
Well, though it's not a good poem but it's come from the deepest part of my heart ciee....hehe....(nulisnya pake banjir air mata segala huhuhu)
This poem is for Uncle Jimmy and Tante Evelin, my spiritual mum and dad, they have been so dear to me like my own parents (I haven't even give this to them yet...hehe....may before I leave this city??)....Here u go....

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For My Dearest Father and Mother in Christ

I had cried, cried for wisdom
I had longed, longed for guidance
I had searched, searched for righteousness

You had come, come with God likeness
You had come, come with strength of a father and care of a mother
Years by years you had shown me how to live
A life that pleasing our Father in heaven

You always there through my up and down
Cheered with me on my success
Cried with me on my failure
An ear to lend
A hand to hold
Shoulder to cry on

As a father, to direct my path
When I’m lost and confused
As a mother, to nurture me and strengthen me
When there is no strength to carry on
As a friend, to accept me as I am

There were times that I refused to hear, refused to grow up,
There were times that I just want to do things,
With my own ways, with my own stubbornness
You always there, patiently,
With love and understanding,
To bring me back to God’s calling

Even if I was a poet or a writer
Eight years that had been passed
No word can express
Let only God knows how you both meant to me
There is nothing I can give back in return
But one thing I want to let both of you know
I am forever grateful
I am forever thankful
And I will always treasured, all of your guidance
It is my promise to you; I will finish this race until the very end

Sincerely, 20/06/05
Olivia Joso