Olive's thought...

'Everything is good, if it wasn't then it's better. God takes the good to give the best'

Monday, April 04, 2005

Intan's Bday

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Yesterday...We celebrated Intan's 21th Bday...As Uncle mentioned she's been a diamond in this church as a worship leader and keyboardist, she's been such a blessing lots of people...
The party started at 5pm in her house, it begins with praise and worship, some exhortation from Uncle Jimmy, followed by everyone commenting about Intan, I was 1 of the person who got a change to say some thing about her, I've been knowing her for so long, agh...times does fly, I've know her since primary school as she used to be my brother's classmate...I always thank God for her =)
It was continue with cutting the cakes, games and dinner...After dinner she opened her gifts...the party was close with singing oldies love songs from the guys and the girls...It was really fun