Olive's thought...

'Everything is good, if it wasn't then it's better. God takes the good to give the best'

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

WOW nomination

Every month, we got WOW(What Outstanding Work) award nomination,
And guess what I'm being nominated on WOW award March 2005, Althought I didn't win the award, I'm so grateful and feel apreciated, I know isn't because of me but because I have a wonderful God who is also my Bos...

This is what was spoken about me:

She takes on extra works, during busy times, without expectation of praise or reward. Though quite, she's very emphatic, welcoming, and cooperative and holds an exceptionally positive attitude. We greatly appreciate having her as a vital element of our team.
Over the pas few months the NPT transfer team have been exceptionally busy with all new products being launched. This employee always completes her work to very high standard (even under time pressures), which is not seen by many people, she understands the internal transfer process more than most and willing to explain it in great detail to others. Because she's a quite person, very coperative and controlled, I think she's under appreciated.

Hmm...most of these are sound to highly of me...I really think I still have much to learn ... But Thank you so much for whoever nominated me...

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

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(picture of: last week Young adult care group @ Ricka's house)
I haven't updated this blog for sometimes...Had been quite busy...

Yesterday was public holiday, we got a half a day conference, by Dr Kevin Conner and Sis Rene Conner, they spoke about The Sign of End Times...A lot of pastors and leaders came...It was awesome to have this opportunity to learn from a great servant of God who's been in the ministry for more than 50 years and written ±50 books...It's really inspired me to be that available vessel ready to be used by God even until my old age...

After dinner, as usual I turned on my favorite TV channel ACC (Australian Christian Channel). It was Lakewood church's service, (really love that church, I wish, I will be able to go there 1 day)...The pastor, Joel Osteen spoke about Are you doing and accomplishing God's purpose and dream in your life?, If u did then you will have the sense of destiny, no matter the struggles or challenges that u might faced everyday, but you will still enjoy it and passionate about it and there will be sensed of acomplishment every time u go to bed every night.
He said usually God's given dream and purpose in our life is parallel with our area of gifting, somethings that we really enjoy doing and it's feel natural when we doing it...
These Qs really placed some seed in my mind...Am I really doing what He wants me to do? Am I really using the gifts that His given me? Am I accomplishing His very dream and purpose for my life?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Surprise Birthday

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On Tuesday, we got 2 surprise parties...plus 2 birthday of my friend in the office...I got 4 birthday's in
1st we went to Hary's house for Lemin's birthday then went to Siung's birthday at his house...
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Ike's Baptism

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Last Sunday was my sister's baptism...After church we all went to uncle's house for the baptism...It supposed to be an italian night...We got Shienny's special pasta, Melly's special roujak, cakes, pizza nyumm.....
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Monday, April 04, 2005

Intan's Bday

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Yesterday...We celebrated Intan's 21th Bday...As Uncle mentioned she's been a diamond in this church as a worship leader and keyboardist, she's been such a blessing lots of people...
The party started at 5pm in her house, it begins with praise and worship, some exhortation from Uncle Jimmy, followed by everyone commenting about Intan, I was 1 of the person who got a change to say some thing about her, I've been knowing her for so long, agh...times does fly, I've know her since primary school as she used to be my brother's classmate...I always thank God for her =)
It was continue with cutting the cakes, games and dinner...After dinner she opened her gifts...the party was close with singing oldies love songs from the guys and the girls...It was really fun

Friday, April 01, 2005

Sport Time

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Sport time...Though I'm not a sporty person haha...but I playing sport with friends are always fun...Yesterday night we played basketball and badminton in Murdoch Uni, It was very fun...Though most of us especially the girls don't know the rule haha... I really enjoy it...must do it more often =)...