Olive's thought...

'Everything is good, if it wasn't then it's better. God takes the good to give the best'

Sunday, September 12, 2004

..FoR aLL My GiRl FrIenDs...

I'm reading this book called ' Do you think I'm beautiful'- the question every Woman askes...I'm still in 2nd chapter of the book, but it's a really good...highly recommended for woman...=)

Every woman longs to know from the deepest place of her heart, ' Oh, God, do you think I'm beautiful?'
These are some of the lines from this book.......

Oh, God, do u think I'm beautiful?

No1 else has been able...so is it U?? R U the 1 who longs 4 me- the1 who can fill this desire to be known? There is so much more inside me, a great well of passion and dreams. A place I never let myself go. Is it safe to trust U with the rest of my heart? What will U do with me if I show U everything? Every desire? Every longing? Every doubt? Every weakness? If I am exposed before U, will U still love me? Is Your forgiveness truly irreversible? Is Your grace really free? Will You hold me and care for me in the darkness?

Oh God, holds me, pls hold me and tell me that U love me.
Tell me that I am desirable.
Tell me that U'll fight 4 me.
Tell me that I am beautiful

I heard Him speaking in my heart...
Yes, I think U R beautiful.
Your desire has served its purpose; u hv finally brought yr true heart to Me. R u tired of the weight of pretending? R u tired of hoping that some1 else could fill the place that was meant 4 Me? I see u, all of u, and u don't hv to hide anymore. I see yr sin and I see yr flaws and I still desire u as My own. I am crazy about u. I am the answer 4 yr longing. The 'more 'that yr heart waits 4 is Me