Olive's thought...

'Everything is good, if it wasn't then it's better. God takes the good to give the best'

Monday, August 16, 2004

...BeInG YoUrSeLvEs.....

I'm reading this book at the moment...Learn a lot from it....A question of Have u lost yourself? keep coming to my head. A lot of time we are pressured from every direction to please everyone, we then attemp to become what 'they' want us to be. In the process we may lose ourselves. We may fail to discover what God want or his intention for us. Or we might try to be like so many people at once that we got lost. It's our responsibility to know our identity, direction and calling (God's will for us). A lot of time poeple were pressuring us, but in reality it was our own fears and insecurities that creating that pressures.
I learn that as long as I am busy to be someone else, I will always fail, when I accepted what God had for me, I began to succeed.
I learn that secure people who know God love them and has a plan for them are not threatened by the abilities of others.They enjoy what they can do and others can do.
I learn that I couldn't do anthing unless God had ordained it....therefore 'I am what I am. I can't be anything unless God helps me. I'm just going to concentrate on being the best ME, I can be'
I learn that Although critism and judgement can be hurtful but I can't be a successful I am If I am overly concerned about what people think...
I learn that phil 4:13 ' I can do all things through Christ whohich strenghtenth me' doesn't mean that I can do anything I want to do or what someone else does, but I can do whatever God's will is for me