Olive's thought...

'Everything is good, if it wasn't then it's better. God takes the good to give the best'

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

...I am WhO I am FoR a ReAsOn...

Last nite, I'm not really mello or anything, but may be becoz I read lots of 'words' about friendship...it just made me thinking...do I actually have a 'real' friend...I feel that a lot of time people expect me to be 'perfect', the fact that I'm 1 of the deacons in the church...I feel that although it's not that I'm try to be some1 that I'm not...It's just I'm not feel as free to be myself to express what I feel and think...Yea...I guess many of us will experience in life that people have put some sort of expectation on us...the wording in SISKA msn's nickname (thanx sis) keep me thinking 'I am who I am for a reason'...It will be very tiring to be somebody that we r not, to try to please everyone surround us...I guess..we just need to make sure that our conscience is clear...we can't expect everyone to love us...And also the sms from Yen last nite 'Confrontation: bringing to light an issue so friendship is restored and strenghten, worrior chicks have the courage to handle confrontation' (thanx Yen). Last nite, I ended my day with talking on the phone with Bel...Haven't talk with her for sometimes, I really2 glad to have her in my life...somehow...she's one of those person that I dare to be myself...I don't have to hid anything from her...my worry, my frustration...Really glad to have some1 that I can trust, Someone that I know won't judge me but encourage me to be that mighty woman that God wants me to be....Lup u so much :)....