Olive's thought...

'Everything is good, if it wasn't then it's better. God takes the good to give the best'

Friday, June 25, 2004

...Th3nk GoD for His FaiThFuLneSs AnD Th3nk U for All of My Fri3nDs...

(email send to some of my friends (21/06/04) who have been praying for me)

Hi everyone,
My bro and sis in Christ.....
I just want to use this email...to thank you all of you again for all the
prayers and supports....
It just awesome to know someone is there, someone cares, someone is praying
for you :)....

I just think that I might testified....about how wonderful God is....
As you all know I've been struggling these few months and weeks...But He
always be there....through the storm, through the water, through the
fire...through it all....

These are some verses that encourage me through those times....

Rom 8:37-39
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved
us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor
principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height
nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from
the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

And Psalm23, as you all should know it by heart....:)

Hmm...Yesterday...my tumour's result came out....THANK GOD...The result was
It's benign...so after I get rid of it..It's gone and I don't need to think
about it anymore...
It's out of my body now :).....I only need to go for check up next year to
make sure that all of the tumour had been taken out...AND I BELIEVE SO...It
will be my last time seeing that Dr....

Actually I really see God's hand in every part of my experiences....
First, I really believe that He is the one who guided me to know that this
tumour is in my body and need to be removed, (as the world's term It's been
found accidentally)....
even every steps when I searched for the Dr, He always be there to lead me
to get the best cardiothoracic surgeon in Perth...
After the Op, normal people will need to be under morphine for at least 5
days, but I only need that for 3 days, they will need to stay in the
hospital for at least 1 week some can be upto 2 weeks, but I was be able to
come back home 4 days after a major Op (Even the Drs and nurses was
And today is only 1 week after my Op, I feel very strong even to write this
email to all of you :)

The other things, there was 1 night, I think 2 days ago...when I was really
struggling with pain and nausea...when I fall a sleep, very short sleep as I
was very struggling, but I got a very clear dream. I was in middle of a
sunday service...Antie Evelin was preaching...and suddenlly....there was a
storm..that was shaken the whole building up....in the dream I was praying
very loudly then the storm begin to stop, then some of the pastorial team
were surrounded me, each of them was interceeding for me...even every prayer
that they said was very clear...then I woke up...

Hope these things will encourage all of you...
Once again, really Thank you guys....
Luv you all....Keep Aflame for God as He still moving and working....
God bless...