Olive's thought...

'Everything is good, if it wasn't then it's better. God takes the good to give the best'

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Doris wedding

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Congatulation, ci !!!!!
It's a gr8 night catching up with all of u guys...X-Aflamers............

Saturday, September 10, 2005

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I haven't updated the blog for sometimes....
As the internet connection in Indo is super slow....
Well...I'm waiting for HDSL...meanwhile...have to be gratefull with this very slow connection....

It's been a week and 1 day...working in Ranch 99 market.......
It isn't easy to be in a new environment....
Had met some new friends and some wierd one (jk..=p)
Had experiences many things.....
I started to learn the whole structure of the company from QA (Quality Assurance) point a view...
Auditing every departments based on international standard (ISO and HACCP)...

When things getting tough with challenges and struggles to go through...God remains me to stop complaining and start to give thanks and SMILE!!!!! ^.^

I thank God for strenght, good health, a bright new day every morning...It's always means to me another God's given opportunity to shine, to be a blessing to others....

I thank God for those people who have special place in my heart....Each one had been God's greatest gift in my life.....

I thank God for this season of my life where I can grow and learn many things.....

I thank God for all of 'pembantu2' di rumah =p...they've been so helpful....It feels good don't have to wash, dry and iron my clothes by myself up here.....